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Simon Fundraiser

::: 100% of sales from this pack will go to Simon's medical bills :::


One mini giclee print and one vinyl sticker of my cutie Simon!


Rabbit's teeth never stop growing, and unfortunately, Simon's top jaw is set wider than his lower, leading the insides of his bottom teeth in the back of his mouth to get pointy, which could cause serious issues for him if ignored.  So far this year, he's had those teeth filed down twice, and the vet said he will most likely need this procedure twice a year.  


I never ignore care for my pets, and use Care Credit to pay for any veterinary visits they might need, and am putting on this fundraiser to help me with that cost since this will be a recurring charge.


For complete transparency, I'll be posting reciepts on all my socials. 


I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with paying my baby's medical bills!


Print is 4.5"x6.7 and sticker is 3"x4.59 and waterproof




Simon Fundraiser


    All images are copyright of Bunny Attack Illustration and may not be used, altered or reproduced in any way, shape or form unless given written permission.

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