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Artist Biography

Bunny Attack Illustration is the collection of work by artist Sara Christenson, or as her friends know her, Bunny.  She resides in her hometown of Madison, WI, where she taught herself drawing through years of practice and experimentation, rather than attending art school.  Her style settled in during 2012 after creating a new black and white piece using a pack of Prismacolor pens; the use of line work and stippling created a look that she loved and felt true to. 


Bunny draws inspiration from the small details of the natural world, the movement and feeling of music, and the joy that animals – especially rabbits – bring to her.  Behind her concepts are intense feelings and emotions, and using a mixture of stippling, lines and ink washes, layers are created, and feelings are exquisitely expressed through her pieces; after all, the image usually comes to her before the meaning is realized.  She mixes her rabbits and life experiences together to create the stories you see in her work, and although they have a specific meaning to her, she encourages the viewer to take what they feel from a piece, rather than asking for a meaning.


Her work has been seen at Art Fair off the Square in 2021, where she was awarded “Best in Category – Graphics” by the WI Alliance of Artists and Craftspeople.  She has also exhibited at the Overture Center for the Arts in Madison WI, the Art Garage in Green Bay, WI and Art JuXtapose in Rosendale NY.  She is currently a member of the Northside Arts Collective, an organization dedicated to bringing more art and creative opportunities to the North side of Madison WI.

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April - September 2022:

"Liquid Holes", an exhibition with Karolina Romanowska. 

Overture Center for the Arts, Madison WI


July 10+11, 2021:

Art Fair off the Square, Madison WI; presented by the Wisconsin Alliance of Artists and Craftspeople inc. 

Awarded "Best in Category" for graphics.


April + May 2020:

"Pens and Pencils", the Art Garage, Green bay WI. 

Pieces shown: "Time Steals us All" and "Invisible"


March 2020:

"Women Artist Exhibition", Art JuXtapose, Rosendale NY.

Piece Shown: "Arrows"


March 2020:

"Black + White III", Envision Arts online exhibition. 

Pieces shown: "Arrows" and "Invisible"


March 2018: "Pen and Ink" exhibition, Union Street Gallery, Chicago Heights, IL.  Pieces shown: "King of Sorrow" and "Thief of Hearts"

Juror: Kate Lewis


February 2017: "The Dangers of Living" a solo exhibition at Evolution Arts Collective, Madison WI.


September 2015-November 2016: Member and volunteer at Yellow Rose Gallery in Madison WI.


On View
The Wisconsin State Journal
June 18th, 2017

All images are copyright of Bunny Attack Illustration and may not be used, altered or reproduced in any way, shape or form unless given written permission.

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